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Searching "Microphone Splitters and Combiners"...

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Name ART Prosplit 2-Way Microphone Splitter

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Description The ProSplit provides one direct output and one transformer isolated output from a single microphone. Applications include sending the direct output to the main or Front-of-House mixer, with the second isolated output being sent to a monitor or recording mixer.
List Price $65.00
Sale Price $49.00  (25% off!) 
Shipping $2.99

Name ART S8 8-Channel Microphone Splitter

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Description The ART S8 Microphone Splitter can be used to split eight balanced low impedance microphone signals into sixteen (eight pairs). Each channel of the S8 provides one direct output and one transformer-isolated output from a single microphone.
List Price $299.00
Sale Price $199.00  (33% off!) 
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Name ART S83WAY 8-Channel Three-Way Microphone Splitter

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Description The S83WAY eight channel three way microphone splitter is ideal for live sound, recording and broadcast applications where microphone and XLR balanced line level input signals have to go to multiple mix locations.
List Price $349.00
Sale Price $249.95  (28% off!) 
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Name ART SPLITCom Pro Microphone Splitter/Combiner

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Description Use the SPLITCom Pro to Split or Combine balanced low impedance microphone signals. As a Splitter: The SPLITCom Pro provides one direct-coupled output and one isolated output from a single microphone. As a Combiner: The SPLITCom Pro provides one output from two microphone inputs.
List Price $45.00
Sale Price $21.95  (51% off!) 
Shipping $2.99

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