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Searching "Hum Eliminators"...

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Name ART DTI Hum Eliminator

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Description The DTI (Dual Transformer/Isolater) is a high-quality, totally passive audio interface that uses a pair of high-performance transformers to totally separate input and output signal grounds, thereby isolating two systems and reducing hum and ground-loop noise. The DTI's audio transformers have an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while maintaining an isolated balanced output.
List Price $70.00
Sale Price $49.95  (29% off!) 
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Name ART T8 8-Channel Transformer/Isolator

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Description The T8 (Transformer Eight) is a totally passive audio interface that uses 8 transformers to separate input and output signal grounds, thereby isolating two systems and reducing hum and ground-loop noise. The T8's audio transformers have flat and wide frequency response and handle high signal levels while maintaining an isolated balanced output. The transformers are wound for 1:1 unity gain and are designed to be used with impedances from 600 ohms to 100k ohms.
List Price $179.00
Sale Price $129.95  (27% off!) 
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