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Searching "Bass Guitar Amp Heads"...

...from "Orange Amplification" at

Name Orange BT1000H Terror Bass 1000 Amplifier Head with Gig Bag, 1000 Watts

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Description Menacing tone in a compact package! The Orange BT1000H Terror Bass 1000 Bass Guitar Amplifier Head combines a super efficient Class D solid-state power section with the same preamp as their all tube AD200B UK bass amp. That twin 12AX7 preamp gives the Terror Bass 1000 head the ability to give warm clean tone, creamy overdrive, or all out low-end grind.
List Price $1,275.00
Sale Price $1,049.00  (18% off!) 
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Name Orange BT500H Terror Bass 500 Amplifier Head with Gig Bag, 500 Watts

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Description Maintaining the size of the original Tiny Terror, the Orange BT500H Terror 500 Bass is a 500 watt hybrid amplifier with a Class D solid-state power section and same the preamp as the all-tube AD200B UK bass amp.
List Price $1,089.00
Sale Price $899.00  (17% off!) 
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