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Searching "Bass Guitar Amp Heads"...

...from "Epifani" at

Name Epifani PS1000 Bass Amplifier Head (1000 Watts)

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Description The big brother to the PS 400 it too was engineered to maintain the integrity of the input signal and to exhibit noise floor levels acceptable only in professional recording environments The class D amplifier represents the next generation of digital amplifier technology and, coupled with the audiophile class pre-amp, the PS 1000 sets new standards in high powered, affordable instrument amplification.
List Price $1,399.00
Sale Price $999.95  (29% off!) 
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Name Epifani PS400 Bass Amplifier Head (400 Watts)

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Description The PS400 is Engineered to maintain the integrity of the input signal and to exhibit noise floor levels acceptable only in professional recording environments, no corners were cut to save money on the PS600 design. The class D amplifier represents the next generation of digital amplifier technology and, coupled with the audiophile class pre-amp, the PS400 sets new standards in affordable instrument amplification. While the front panel suggests a basic three band EQ, the addition of the mid cut switch and the mid cut level control add an additional stage of tone shaping capability. Via the Epifani footswitch the mid cut and mute can be engaged or disengaged.
List Price $999.00
Sale Price $699.95  (30% off!) 
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