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Searching "Bass Guitar Amp Heads"...

...from "Bugera" at

Name Bugera BVP5500 Classic Bass Amplifier Head (550 Watts)

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Description The BVP5500 begins with two selected pairs of 12AX7 preamp valves with their own Drive-control. Suhweet! When you want to rock the house you need serious power. The BVP5500 brings 550 of the cleanest fan-cooled watts you'll ever hear -- or feel. And since bass players do not live by Watts alone, the BVP5500 is equipped with a stunning arsenal of tone-sculpting tools, including a 3-band EQ with sweepable mids, Ultra-High and Ultra-Low switches, and a 9-band graphic EQ for the ultimate in tone control.
List Price $799.99
Sale Price $399.99  (50% off!) 
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