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...from "Waldorf" at

Name Waldorf Blofeld 49-Key Keyboard Synthesizer

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Description From Waldorf with love comes the 37-key Blofeld keyboard synthesizer. Besides its virtual-analog synthesis and classic wavetables, the Blofeld now sports a whopping 60 megabytes of sample memory. Add a vocal-like noise spectrum to a typical Wavetable pad, spice up a virtual-analog solo sound with a strong attack sample, or just process any other sample with the countless oscillator and filter modulations. Play your sound creations on the high-quality keyboard with velocity and aftertouch. The pitch bend and modulation wheel are at your disposal and of course, you can connect a sustain pedal. All this is packaged in a sleek metal enclosure with a big graphic display, endless stainless steel knobs, and an internal power supply.
List Price $1,399.99
Sale Price $1,199.95  (14% off!) 
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