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Searching "USB MIDI Interfaces"...

...from "Mark of the Unicorn (MOTU)" at

Name MOTU MIDI Express 128 8x8 USB MIDI Interface

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Description Built from the same technology found in MOTU's flagship MIDI Timepiece, the MIDI Express 128 is a professional MIDI interface that provides plug-andplay connectivity to any USB-equipped Macintosh or Windows computer. The Express 128 provides 8 MIDI IN, 9 MIDI OUT, 128 MIDI channels and compatibility with all Macintosh and Windows software.
List Price $249.00
Sale Price $239.95  (4% off!) 
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Name MOTU Micro Lite 5x5 USB MIDI Interface

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Description Built from the same technology found in MOTU's flagship MIDI Timepiece, the micro lite is a professional MIDI interface and that provides portable, plug-and-play connectivity to any USB-equipped Macintosh or Windows computer.
List Price $149.00
Sale Price $139.95  (6% off!) 
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