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Name Mackie 1604VLZ3 16-Channel Mixer

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Description How do you improve on perfection? The Mackie 1604-VLZ Pro has been the long-running favorite of audio professionals the world over for its sound quality, ease of use, and rugged dependability. Thousands of recordings have been tracked and mixed solely on a 1604. Designing a mixer to take its place was a tremendous challenge, indeed. But Mackie's engineering team thrives on this kind of stuff, so they tackled this one head on, creating one of the best compact mixers we've ever offered: the Mackie 1604-VLZ3.
List Price $1,149.99
Sale Price $899.99  (22% off!) 
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Name Mackie 1642VLZ3 16-Channel Mixer

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Description With its upgraded preamps and EQ circuitry, the Mackie 1642-VLZ3 redefines perfection. With the same features and functionality of its predecessor, the re-engineered Mackie 1642-VLZ3 has even greater headroom than the original. Mackie could have stopped right then and there, but since we're obsessed with perfection, Mackie redesigned the Mix Bus and made significant enhancements to the EQs, giving the 1642-VLZ3 a more intuitive and musical feel.
List Price $879.99
Sale Price $699.99  (21% off!) 
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Name Mackie 2404VLZ3 24-Channel USB Mixer

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Description The 24-channel Mackie 2404-VLZ3 combines VLZ3 low-noise, high-headroom technology with increased channel count and superior processing that's perfect for real-world live gigs. 20 XDR2(tm) mic channels, each with 3-band, sweepable mid EQ, offer more clean and useable gain than the competition. Create great-sounding, professional mixes using dedicated channel and subgroup compression, dual RMFX+(tm) effects processors and true 4-bus architecture. You can even connect to your laptop to record the show, stream house music or use your favorite plug-in live using the built-in 4x2 USB interface. Define your sound, create your mix and record the whole show with the 2404-VLZ3.
List Price $1,429.99
Sale Price $1,149.99  (20% off!) 
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Name Mackie 3204VLZ3 32-Channel USB Mixer

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Description The 32-channel Mackie 3204-VLZ3 combines VLZ3 low-noise, high-headroom technology with increased channel count and superior processing that's perfect for real-world live gigs. 28 XDR2(TM) mic channels, each with 3-band, sweepable mid EQ, offer more clean and useable gain than the competition. Create great-sounding, professional mixes using dedicated channel and subgroup compression, dual RMFX+(TM) effects processors and true 4-bus architecture. You can even connect to your laptop to record the show, stream house music or use your favorite plug-in live using the built-in 4x2 USB interface. Define your sound, create your mix and record the whole show with the 3204-VLZ3.
List Price $1,699.99
Sale Price $1,349.99  (21% off!) 
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Name Mackie Onyx 1640i 16-Channel Premium Analog Mixer with FireWire Interface

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Description The 16-channel Mackie Onyx 1640i FireWire Recording Mixer combines the benefits of a powerful 16X16 FireWire interface with the hands-on control of premium analog features like 16 Onyx mic preamps and Perkins EQ. Plus, it's qualified by Mackie for use with all major DAWs, including Pro Tools M-Powered 8 (upgrade required*).
List Price $1,999.99
Sale Price $1,599.99  (20% off!) 
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Name Mackie Onyx 24 Mixer

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Description The Onyx 24.4 and 32.4 consoles upgrade the performance and functionality of the legendary Mackie SR24-4 and 32-4, while retaining their convenient 24- and 32-channel footprint. The greatly enhanced Onyx feature set includes 100mm Panasonic faders, premium mic preamps, completely redesigned analog circuitry, Perkins EQ, and a built-in assignable stereo compressor/limiter section -- all at a price that won't break the bank.
List Price $1,999.99
Sale Price $1,599.99  (20% off!) 
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Name Mackie Onyx 32 Mixer

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Description The new Onyx 24.4 and 32.4 consoles upgrade the performance and functionality of the legendary Mackie SR24-4 and 32-4, while retaining their convenient 24- and 32-channel footprint. The greatly enhanced Onyx feature set includes 100mm Panasonic faders, all-new mic preamps, completely redesigned analog circuitry, new Perkins EQ, and a built-in assignable stereo compressor/limiter section-all at a price that won't break the bank.
List Price $2,599.99
Sale Price $2,099.99  (19% off!) 
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Name Mackie ProFX16 Effects Mixer with USB, 16-Channel

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Description The Mackie ProFX16 is the clear solution for any midsized venue or band that needs great sound, but doesnt have the budget or space for tons of outboard gear. To lose the rack, built-in tools like compression and graphic EQ are crucial. The Mackie ProFX16 has everything needed to make your gig sound great and is really easy to operate.
List Price $629.99
Sale Price $499.99  (21% off!) 
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Name Mackie ProFX22 Effects Mixer with USB, 22-Channel

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Description The Mackie ProFX22 is the clear solution for any medium/large venue that needs great sound, but doesnt have the budget or space for tons of outboard gear. To lose the rack, tools like compression and graphic EQ are crucial. The Mackie ProFX22 has everything needed to make your gig sound great and all the necessary channels to rock a large band. Plus, USB I/O lets you record the show or stream music straight from a laptop. The Pro in the Mackie ProFX stands for Pro. Professional tools, rugged build quality, space-saving footprint everything you need.
List Price $809.99
Sale Price $649.99  (20% off!) 
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