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Searching "4-Bus Mixers"...

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Name Samson L1200 12-Channel Mixer with USB Interface

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Description Expanding on the success of the L Series mixers, Samson has created the L1200, a 12-channel/4-bus professional mixing console. Ideal for smaller venues and more modest applications where you still want all the comprehensive, professional features of a large console, the L1200 bridges the gap between size and functionality.
List Price $479.99
Sale Price $349.99  (27% off!) 
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Name Samson L2000 20-Channel Mixer with USB Interface

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Description Expanding on the success of the L Series mixers, Samson has created the L2000, a 20-channel/4-bus professional mixing console. Ideal for small and medium size venues and applications of varying sizes where you still want all the comprehensive, professional features of a large console, the L2000 bridges the gap between size and functionality.
List Price $649.99
Sale Price $499.99  (23% off!) 
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Name Samson L2400 24-Channel Mixer with USB Interface

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Description A sound engineer should have the same relationship with his console that a musician has with his instrument: they should both be intuitive and comfortable in any situation. This was a major design goal during the two-year development of Samson's L2400 mixing console.
List Price $1,049.99
Sale Price $649.95  (38% off!) 
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Name Samson L3200 32-Channel Mixer with USB Interface

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Description Perfect for installation purposes, especially in clubs, schools, theaters and churches, the L3200 is a 32-channel / 4-bus professional mixing console. Samson understands the need for more aux sends, so they've provided 6 flexible aux sends that allow for up to 8 monitor and effects mixes.
List Price $1,299.99
Sale Price $999.99  (23% off!) 
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